The Power of A Brand in The Digital and Media World

Posted by Sven Hurty on Nov 27, 2013 3:30:00 PM

As a branded organization, you should understand the power that digital tools play in opinion sharing. Just when we thought the word of mouth traveled quickly; viral media communication has quadrupled the spreading of opinion through internet and other digital devices. Using the digital world is now a beneficial opportunity to show off your brand; but only with a careful brand strategy.

iStock_000025752931Small_BrandThere is an entirely new collection of word meanings and usage for the things we use and do in the digital world. But, two words that are not new, and that must be clarified is brand and branding. A brand is a promise that links a product to a service; and branding is what business professionals use to get consumers to think about and form associations with the brand. Branding applications such as logos, colors, packaging, and signage, must deliver on what the brand wants to associate with.

For instance, during the 2013 VMA awards, many people were appalled and confused by the live performance of Miley Cyrus. Cyrus, a teen idol, shocked many by performing an old dance known as "twerking" (a provocative dance) on stage. Those that were angered by the performance no longer wanted to support the once Disney Channel star, while others were excited and were ready to download her new content. Seemingly, Cyrus' branding strategy worked moving her from a brand that she grew from to a brand that she associates with, which says nothing about Disney. Though twerking may have been an old dance, Miley Cyrus branded it, and made it increasingly viral after doing the move on live TV. Was it strategy or her personality? Of course it was strategy; listen to her new music and look at all the attention she has accumulated through the media and digital world. 

For more effective ways on how to build a brand by communicating your message through visual; and digital media tools to help build your brand, check out our free ebook.

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