Gabriella Sannino

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Landing Pages For Your Brand Strategy

Posted by Gabriella Sannino on Jan 29, 2013 2:10:00 AM

Typically, a company website is divided into various sections including the home page, product and/or service pages, a blog, an "about us" page, and contact / location information. If the brand has experience with marketing their products and services online, they will strategically place Calls To Action throughout the site. Sidebars may contain contact forms, headers may contain a large phone number, and product pages will include prominent Add to Cart buttons.

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Topics: Online Marketing, Brand Development, Social, full service marketing

Sneezing at Branding? Have a Kleenex.

Posted by Gabriella Sannino on Dec 6, 2012 12:38:00 PM

Branding is one of those essential business bits and pieces that go into the whole of "success." In fact, understand branding, how it works, and how it can benefit your business is vital if you have any hope of growing your business.

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Topics: Branding, Online Marketing, Brand Development

Creative Marketing: 7 Steps to creating a popular blog

Posted by Gabriella Sannino on Nov 29, 2012 2:25:00 PM

popular blogsAccording to the WordPress Blog there are currently 57,316,676 blogs (and counting) that have been created just on their platform and that number is continually growing. Add in more huge numbers of blogs built on other platforms, and you begin to understand the level of competition you're faced with. If you are a new business and are considering starting a new blog, one thing's for sure, you never want to be the only one visiting your own blog.

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Topics: strategic marketing, Content Development

Writing SEO Friendly Content - 6 Tips for Better Online Marketing

Posted by Gabriella Sannino on Nov 8, 2012 12:44:00 PM

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Topics: Branding, Social, SEO, Content Development, keywords

Outsourced Marketing Continued

Posted by Gabriella Sannino on Jul 24, 2012 2:40:00 PM

Not all things should be outsourced, but there are times when outsourcing your marketing makes more sense than struggling to see some return on your efforts. However, there are ways to make outsource marketing more successful, such as regular communication, accessibility to company information and team integration.

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Topics: marketing agency, Client Relationships, Outsource Marketing, Collaboration

Do You Know Outsource Marketing?

Posted by Gabriella Sannino on Jul 11, 2012 1:36:00 PM

It's not every day you can find a full-service marketing agency. To tell you the truth, we're proud of the wide range of branding, creative and marketing services we offer. Along with our clients, we walk through a four-step process of planning, development, execution and measurement to give them their desired outcome.

Outsourcing in a box
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Topics: Brand Development, Client Relationships, Social, Outsource Marketing


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