Inbound Marketing with Webinars: How Do You Make a Webinar Effective?

Posted by BC Team on Oct 8, 2013 1:19:00 PM

Inbound marketing continues to evolve in what works best to capture leads in the online world. And while the usual suspects of blogging and social media have been analyzed to the hilt, what about the process of the webinar? More companies are starting to place webinar videos on their websites to provide information about ideas and services they provide. However, in the age of personalization while dealing with lead generation, you have to find some way to make that webinar truly resonate.

How does your webinar go beyond just standing in front of a group of people and passing on information?

Target Your Webinars to the Right Group of People

If you're going to post webinar videos on your site, they have to be about something that really matters to a certain demographic. That's why it's a good idea to turn your webinar into a series where you tackle one subject at a time rather than cramming multiple subjects into one long video. In a B2B business, visitors are going to want to hear about something specific over generalized information.

Insterested in webinars? Your customers are too! Image Credit: Darabes SellersMost of all, no matter how specific you are in categorizing your subject matter, don't wane on keeping your webinars going. If you make good on promising a particular schedule, you'll have leads follow you. Otherwise, a lack of promise on keeping a certain view schedule will frustrate visitors to a point where they may never come back.

Entice Visitors to Sign Up to See More of Your Webinars

A true marketing enticement is allowing people to view only one of your webinars and then requiring a sign-up in order to view more. If you have a compelling presentation, this is a surefire marketing method for gathering more leads. Psychologically, it also gives a sense of importance, value and anticipation to your webinar videos that might not occur if provided freely.

Consider Live Webinars with Questions from Viewers

This connects to the importance of scheduling and keeping your word. When live video events occur on major websites, they don't always start at the time they say due to unforeseen delays. For a first-time business, don't ever let that happen. And make sure any live webinars happen at the time you say they'll start.  

When conducting a live webinar, consider setting up a chat room on your site that can enable viewers to submit questions. Use a moderator to field the questions while also taking questions from the live audience if you have one. While technical glitches can always occur, be prepared to keep things rolling with pertinent information so there isn't any lengthy downtime that persuades people online to leave.

It's audience engagement like this that can make webinars a fresh and strong part of your inbound marketing strategy. Here at BayCreative, we can guide you toward this and much more based on our 15 years of experience providing comprehensive B2B marketing tools for clients. Contact us and we'll show you the bevy of options we provide to help your company brand stand out.

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