The First and Most Important Question to Ask BEFORE Any Marketing

Posted by BC Team on Oct 24, 2013 2:30:32 PM

When you think about marketing your business, you consider the budget you have, the types of materials you want to use, and what products or services you want to highlight. While these are all important components of a successful campaign, you should only develop them after your ask yourself one important question.

Target your marketing audience.Who is your audience?

Sorry, the answer is not “everybody” or you would be competing with every company in the world and against products in which you have no expertise. If you can narrow down your customer as specifically as possible, you're more able to focus your efforts on what they want.

Are they men or women? How old are they? What kind of jobs do they have and how much money do they make? Are they single or in relationships, have kids or pets, or live in apartments or own homes? Are they experienced users of your product or are they beginners? More importantly, what issues do they have in their lives and how does your offering help them solve those issues?

The answers to these questions thoroughly define your marketing effort. For example, if you decide your customers consist of grandmothers, your marketing might consist of videos showing how your product helps them connect with their grandkids. If your audience come from college-aged males, you might focus on websites with such social features as forums, chat rooms, and interactive games.

If you're having trouble determining who your customers are, please contact us so we can help you define them. After that, we can also plan and create the best marketing campaign for that audience.

For more information about marketing to your target audience check out our free eBook. 

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